Most professional photographers have learned about shorter focal length (wide angle lenses) and long focal length (telephoto lenses). There may be debates between different photographers as to which one is best but like everything it is all down to personal choice as to which one you like best.
Some "experts" may tell you that a wide angle length doesn't necessarily produce more depth of field. You can always try this out for yourself. If you happen to be an accomplished photographer, what impact will it have on your work? Don't forget that this may be true if you keep the size of the picture constant.
It is possible for you to take a picture of a subject using a telephoto lens and then zoom out and compare the difference between it and the wide angle lens. Maybe you are going to take a shoot of some really amazing scenery, perhaps a mountainous landscape, with amazing colored sunlight. You can try using the telephoto setting with your camera and zoom in, after which you can then zoom out and take a picture with the wide angle setting.
When using the Canon wide angle lens, you will automatically expect there to be more depth of field in the last photo and that’s what it will look like. However, if you enlarge the photo, the depth of field may disappear. Some of you may try to zoom out to get more in their picture using only a wide angle setting. Often though, by doing this, the objects may look smaller.
If you zoom in on a particular subject you want in the picture, you will lose depth of field. By zooming in and out and varying the focal length setting, you have the perception that the depth of field is variable. It may therefore appear that by using a wide angle lens will give you more depth of field if compared to using a telephoto. It is true to say that whatever a person is happy with when taking photographs it is all down to personal choice as to what they like and know best and are happy with.
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